At Atkins Kroll Guam, we are constantly looking for ways to improve the car buying experience. One of the major points of friction for most customers is the time it takes to purchase a vehicle. Discover online shopping for your new or used car with Online Shopper! You can now build your deal from the ground up from the palm of your hands and the comfort of your home! Here is how it works:
When you find a car you are interested in, press the “Explore Payment Options” button and from here you will follow the prompts to start the online shopping, car buying process, saving you time and giving you a clearer picture so you can make the most informed decision possible!
By providing us with your credit information, we will be able to shop for the best rate before you even step foot in the door! This also allows us to narrow down your payment and interest rate, eliminating time you would otherwise spend in the dealership to find this out.
Use the state of the art Trade In tool to get real live market data about the value of your vehicle. 99% of appraisals can be completed in minutes with just a few taps of your finger!
Happy with the deal we are showing you inside Online Shopper? Congratulations! You have saved yourself what takes on average of 2 hours and all that is left for you to do is come in for a test-drive and if you love the vehicle sign and finalize all your paperwork! The magic of online shopping at your fingertips!
443 South Marine Corps Drive, Tamuning, Guam