How To Remove A Car Battery

Car Battery with Tools

While you can always schedule service with our technicians at Atkins Kroll Guam, sometimes Hagatna and Dededo drivers need to remove their batteries during an inspection at home. But, learning how to remove a car battery safely requires a little bit of research. That’s because car batteries contain corrosive chemicals and electric charges that can harm you if you’re not careful. However, with the guidance of our service experts, removing a car battery is simple! Let’s get started.



Removing a Car Battery: Before You Begin

If you need to remove your battery at home in Yigo, it’s essential to treat the process seriously—this means donning the proper protective equipment and ensuring your workspace is set up properly. Here are some things to consider:

  • Safety Equipment: You’ll need a set of safety goggles to protect your eyes. We also recommend a set of gloves to protect your hands, just in case your battery has corrosion on the terminals.
  • Jewelry and Watches: Remove anything you’re wearing that is made of metal, so you don’t get shocked. That usually means metal necklaces, bracelets, and watches.
  • Tools: Zip ties are a cheap and easy way to keep all the cables in place as you work. This can prevent sparks and even fires. Grab two sturdy wrenches and pliers as well. If you see that your battery terminal is fused, you can also pick up a battery cable removal tool at the parts center.
  • Ventilation: Make sure that you’re working in a well-ventilated workspace. This will prevent you from inhaling any harmful gasses that the battery releases.
  • Positive Cable: Cover the positive cable end with a cloth to prevent accidentally touching it to a metal surface.

Removing a Car Battery: Steps

Now that your car is parked and your space is prepped, it’s time to work! Luckily, learning how to remove a car battery is fairly straightforward. You can reach out to us at Atkins Kroll Guam if you run into any issues along the way, but here are the basic steps:

  • Find the Negative Terminal: You’ll usually find the negative terminal under a black plastic cover with a minus (-) sign.
  • Remove the Negative Terminal Nut: Use your wrench or pliers to hold the bolt head in place, then use your second wrench or pliers to remove the nut from the terminal. Set aside. Pull the cable free and secure it away from the battery with a zip tie.
  • Repeat for the Positive Cable: Repeat the process with the positive terminal, marked by a plus (+) sign. Secure the positive cable away from the battery with a zip tie and make sure the cables do not touch.
  • Remove the Battery: Pull the battery straight out of the bracket, but keep in mind that it’s heavier than it looks. Most batteries are around 40 pounds.

Find Out More Car Tips with Atkins Kroll Guam

Whether you need to pick up a battery cable removal tool at our parts center or schedule a battery check with our service center, Atkins Kroll Guam is here to help with all of your automotive needs. Contact us today with any questions, and we’d be happy to assist you!


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